Article 1.Title and Headquarters of the Society
Title of the Society is “The Society of Medical Ultrasonography”; its headquarters is located in Izmir, it has no branches. Abbreviated title for the Society is as “TUD”.
Article 2.Purpose of the Society; and the work subjects and forms to be executed in order to realize this purpose
The purpose, working subjects, working form and field of activity of the Society is as follows:
To determine the standpoints and improvements in medical ultrasonography field which is used for human health, and inform doctors regarding these standpoints and improvements; to strengthen the occupational unity amongst the employees of this field; to deal with their occupational problems.
To encourage and promote scientific works and researches in medical ultrasonography field; to hold seminaries, symposiums, conferences and various national or international scientific meetings and also to participate in these kinds of meetings.
To encourage, promote and direct the works regarding public and environmental health which are within the scope of its field of activity.
To found a documentation center regarding medical ultrasonography; to collect literature; to establish a library; to make publishing.
To get in scientific and technical cooperation with the medical societies and associations having similar purposes both inland and abroad.
To organize cultural and social activities in order to promote the relation between members (to organize joy rides, to found funds and camps, to make agreements with cooperatives and other associations for its members, to open locals, etc.).
To purchase immovables, to sell, transfer and donate immovables when require, to open health institutions, to establish administrations, funds and charitable funds in order to reach its subject and purpose regarding medical ultrasonography.
To inform the relevant institutions about the policies it establishes regarding quality of the service and health by making human force planning in medical ultrasonography field.
Article 3. Right to Membership, Expulsion and Resignation From Membership
a) Membership and Right to Membership
Persons having the civil rights, whose memberships are not prohibited with relevant laws, who are older than 18 years old can be members of Medical Ultrasonography Society. The society membership is divided into two groups as “associate member” and “honorary member”:
1. Associate members: The doctors dealing with medical ultrasonography can be the associate members of the society. They should pay a registration fee and an annual fee for membership.
2. Honorary members: The persons who have obtained great success and contributed the medical ultrasonography field both inland and abroad, and the persons having the qualities of associate members who have served in the field for many years who are determined by the Board of Directors.
b) Membership Applications
For Society membership, an application with a petition should be presented to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors is obliged to decide on the membership application and inform the candidate about the positive or negative result decided. The membership gets final with a notification following the payment of registration fee and annual fee.
c) Expulsion and Resignation From Membership
The Society membership ends under the following circumstances:
1. Naturally in case of death
2. Naturally in case the qualities required by the laws and regulatory statue for membership are lost afterwards.
3. The membership of a member who fails to make the payment of annual fee within a calendar year although being warned twice with a registered mail with an interval of one month naturally falls on the 90th day following the date of first registered mail sent. This circumstance is registered in the member registry book. The persons whose memberships have fallen under this circumstance may reapply for membership after making the required payments.
4. The members have the right to resign from the society membership with their own will provided that it is notified at least six months earlier in writing.
A) General Assembly
B) Board of Directors
C) Audit Commission
A. General Assembly
Article 4.Formation, Gathering Type and Time of General Assembly
The General Assembly consists of associate and honorary members. General Assembly makes stated meetings within December once in two (2) years. Extraordinary meetings may be held within 30 days in cases where Board of Directors or audit commission deems necessary or upon the written request of society members.
The Board of Directors shall create a list of the members having the right to participate in the General Assembly in accordance with the regulatory statue of the Society. The members having the right to participate in the General Assembly are called to the Assembly by being informed by announcement of the time, place and agenda of the Assembly on a newspaper, or via a written or electronic mail at least 15 (fifteen) days prior to the Assembly. In case the assembly cannot be held since a majority cannot be obtained, the date, time and lace of the second assembly is also notified. The interval between the first and second assembly cannot be shorter than seven days and longer than sixty days. In case the assembly is postponed for a reason other than not having the majority obtained, this circumstance is notified to the members with the reasons of postponing the assembly in accordance with the call procedure for the first assembly. The second assembly should be held within six months following the date of postpone. The members are called for second assembly in accordance with the above mentioned principles. General Assembly cannot be postponed more than once. In case a quorum cannot be obtained in the first assembly, no quorum is required for the second assembly; however the number of the participant members cannot be less than two times of total number of the members of Board of Directors and Audit Commission.
Article 5. General Assembly
The list of the members having the right to participate in General Assembly should be available at the place of assembly. The identity cards issued by official authorities of the members who will enter the place of assembly shall be controlled by the persons assigned by the members of Board of Directors or by the Board of Directors itself. The members enter the place of assembly by placing their signatures across their names written on the list. Persons who do not present their identity cards, who do not sign the abovementioned list and who do not have the right to participate in the General Assembly shall not be taken into the place of assembly. These persons and the ones who are not society members may watch the general assembly from a separate section.
If a quorum is obtained in the assembly, then this circumstance is determined with a minutes and the assembly is opened by the Chairman of the Board of Directors or one of the members of the Board of directors assigned by the Chairman of Board of Directors. In case a quorum cannot be obtained, minutes shall be issued by the Board of Directors. Following the opening, a chairman, a sufficient number of vice-chairmen and a secretary are selected in order to form a Council.
The voting members should present their identification and place their signatures across their names written on the lists in order to be eligible to vote for the election of society organs. Management of the assembly and providing the security is the responsibility of Council Chairman. The General Assembly is finalized after the subjects in agenda are discussed and decided.
Each member has a right of a single vote, and the members should vote individually by himself/herself. The subjects discussed and the decisions taken in the assembly shall be written in a minutes and this minutes shall be signed by the Council Chairman and the secretaries. The minutes and other documents are delivered to the Chairman of the Board of Directors. The Chairman of Board of Directors is responsible for the protection and delivery of these documents to the new selected Board of Directors within seven days.
In case an administrator is assigned by a Court or an assignment is done in accordance with the second paragraph of 75th Article of the Civil Law, the duties assigned to the Board of Directors with this article are performed with these assigned persons.
Article 6.Agenda of General Assembly
The agenda of the General Assembly is determined by the Board of Directors and the General Assembly discussions are performed in accordance with the agenda sheet. In case at least one tenth of the participants of the general assembly make a written request, the requested subjects should be taken into the agenda.
Article 7.Duties and Authorities of the General Assembly
The duties and authorities of the General Assembly are as follows:
a) To control the budget proposal for the forthcoming activity year issued by the Board of Directors and certify it as it is or after making alterations;
b) To control and accept the administrative and financial reports of Board of Directors and Audit Commission; to decide on discharge of Board of Directors and Audit Commission;
c) To select the Board of Directors and Audit Commission;
d) To give authority to the Board of Directors in order to acquire immovables;
e) To make regulatory statue alterations;
f) To check and decide on the situation of the objecting members who were expulsed from the society with the decision of Board of Directors;
g) To decide on the annulment of the society;
h) To fulfill other duties indicated with Laws and society’s regulatory statue that have to be executed by the General Assembly;
i) To make decisions regarding the purpose and working subjects of the society.
The General Assembly decisions are taken with the open vote of the majority of the participants. Voting shall be repeated in case of a draw.
Article 8. Selection of Society Organs
The organs of the society are selected with vote by secret ballot. For these elections, each member participating the assembly may show as many as candidates amongst the registered members of the society. However, the written consents of the candidates who are not present at the time of election should be taken prior to the election. After the candidates are determined, the elections for the Board of Directors and the Audit Commission are done. Ballot boxes are given to the Counting Committee of 3 persons who are selected by the General Assembly with an open voting. The counting results are presented by this committee to the Council and the Chairmanship announces the result. In case two candidates get equal votes, then the Counting Committee draws lots. The candidate who could not enter associate membership goes to the top of alternate members list.
Article 9.Result Notification of General Assembly
Within 30 (thirty) days following the stated and extraordinary general assemblies, the General Assembly Result Notification and the following appendixes which indicates the Board of Directors and Audit Commissions and the associate and alternate members selected for other organs should be presented to the civil authorities:
a) sample of the General Assembly minutes signed by the Chairman, vice chairmen and secretary of the Council;
b) in case a regulatory statue revision is in question, a sample of the revised form of society regulatory statue with signatures of the Board of Directors on each page together with the old and new forms of the revised articles of the regulatory statue.
The General Board Result Notification and its appendixes are presented by the Chairman of Board of Directors or an assigned member of Board of Directors. Failure to present the result Notification is under the responsibility of the Chairman of Board of Directors.
B-Board of Directors
Article 10. Election of Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is elected by the General Assembly for 2 (two) years and consists of 7 associate and 7 alternate members. Each member who has a voting right has nomination right for the membership of the Board of Directors. The nominees are determined and declared for the election of the Board of Directors and they are voted by the General Assembly. The Counting Committee executes the counting and designates how many votes are polled by each member. The Board of Directors is constituted by designating the 7 nominees who get the most of the votes as associate members and the next 7 nominees as alternate members. The required information of associate and alternate members of the Audit Committee is presented to the Civil Authorities during a statutory period by the Chairman of the Board of Directors as law and regulations require.
Article 11. Duty Distribution of Board of Directors
The board of Directors elects 1 chairman, 1 Secretary and 1 Accountant among the associate members.
Article 12. Duties of the Members of the Board of Directors:
The duties of the members of the board of directors are :
1. He is in charge of the application of the Regulatory statue and the decisions of the General Assembly and fulfillment of the works of the society in accordance with the decisions of the General Assembly and laws, and is responsible for these against the General Assembly.
2. He executes the works related to the income-expenditure accounts of the Society and prepares the budget which belongs to the next term and presents it to the General Assembly.
3. He is the legal representative of the Society and authorized to act on behalf of the Society. The Board of Directors can give these authorizations to one or a few of the members of its own partially or completely on its own will.
4. In case of the acceptance of the people who are not a Turkish citizen to the society, he declares them to the Governorship in ten days.
5. The Board of Directors makes decisions on acceptance or non-acceptance of who applies and on expelling the members from the membership.
6. These bases are applied in the duty distribution among the members of the Board of Directors:
a) The Chairman leads in the assemblies of the Board of Directors, represents society in all official and private relations.
b) The Secretary Member keeps the records of negotiations, provides made decisions to be applied and executes the correspondences related to the society.
c) The Accountant Member supervises the society books, checks the accounts and fulfills the financial duties given by the Board of Directors. He submits the account reports prepared by him to the approval of the board of Directors.
d) The Board of Directors is free to set up an adequate committee for working
under the chairmanship of one of the members of the board. The chairman of the committee can expand the committee through anyone he will select from the members of the Society as he demands. The chairman of the committee gives the Board of Directors the information about the activities of the committee.
Article 13. Assemblies and Decisions of the Board of Directors
The assembly is held upon the request of the chairman of the board of directors or the majority in case of the quorum is met and the decisions are made by the majority of whom attends the assembly. The member who does not attend 3 assemblies consecutively without a binding reason, he is expelled from the board by the decision of the Board of Directors.
C- Audit Commission
The Audit Commission is elected by the General Assembly for 2 (two) years and consists of 3 associate members and 3 alternate members. Each member who has a voting right has nomination right for the membership of the Audit Commission. The nominees are determined and declared for the election of the Audit Commission and they are voted by the General Assembly. The Counting Committee executes the counting and designates how many votes are polled by each member. The Audit Commission is constituted by designating the 3 nominees who get the most of the votes as associate members and the next 3 nominees as alternate members. The required information of associate and alternate members of the Audit Committee is presented to the Civil Authorities during a statutory period by the Chairman of the Board of Directors as law and regulations require.
Article 15. Duty and Authorities of Audit Committee, Bases of Internal Control
The internal audit of the Society is the base. The Audit Committee checks whether they show activities in accordance with the working subjects which are mentioned to be maintained in order to fulfill the purposes indicated in the regulatory statue; whether the book, account and records are maintained in accordance with the legislation and the regulatory statue of the association, according to the base and procedures determined in the regulatory statue of the Society and in intervals not longer than a year, and submits the results of control to the Board of Directors and the General Assembly when they meet as a report. Upon the request of the members of the Audit Commission, it is obligatory that any information, documents and records to be disclosed or handed by the authorities of the association, and that the demand of entering to the administrating places, enterprises and outlying buildings to be fulfilled.
Article 16. Incomes of the Society
The incomes of the Society are provided by the following ways:
a) Incomes of member entrance and annual dues,
b) Incomes obtained from the scientific congress and conference, ball, concert, trip, theatre and similar activities arranged by the association,
c) Donations and contributions in accordance with laws related to collecting contributions,
d) Incomes obtained from the property of the association,
e) The contributions which will be accepted from the real or legal entities from foreign countries upon the permit of the Ministry of Interior.
The procedures which are mentioned under the related clauses of the Society Law are to be obeyed during the collection of these incomes.
Article 17. Expenditures of the Society
The expenditures of the Society are held in return for an official document by the decision of the Board of Directors in the frame of accepted budget.
Article 18. Contribution and Cooperation
The Society may receive material contribution from the associations and occupational enterprises with similar purposes in order to fulfill the purposes which are mentioned in the regulatory statue and may help the said establishments financially. The regulation bases are applied for the contributions to be received from abroad.
Article 19. Loan of the Society
The Board of Directors can get into a debt only provided to pay within its own term. It is stipulated that the debt to be foreseen in the budget submitted to the General Assembly by the responsible Board of Directors and that this debt should not exceed the quarter of the budget.
Article 20. Books and Records of the Society
The Society maintains the following books of which procedure and method is designated by legislation:
1) Casebook: the decisions of the Board of Directors are written in this book in the order of date and number and the decisions are undersigned by the members who have attended six meetings.
2) Members’ Registry Book: The identity information, the date of entry and exit to the Society of the members are entered into this book. The entrance and annual subscription amounts paid by the members may be entered into this book.
3) Document Registry Book: The incoming and outgoing documents are recorded in this book in the order of date and number. The originals of the incoming documents and copies of the outgoing documents are filed. The documents which are received or sent by e-mail are kept providing making a print out of each.
4) Book of Fixtures: The acquiring date and way of the fixtures which belong to the Association, and the places which they are used in or given to, and deleting the record of the fixtures which ceases using life is entered into this book.
5) Book of Trading Account: The incomes and expenditures made on behalf of the Society are entered into this book clearly and orderly.
6) Registry Book of Bill of Delivery: The serial and sequence number of the bills of delivery, and the name, surname and signatures of who receive and return these bills, and the date of receiving and returning are entered into this book.
It’s obligatory that these books are to be certified by a unit of associations or a public notary.
The related legislation clauses are applied in the usage procedures of the books.
Article 21. Alterations to the Regulatory Statues
Alterations to the regulatory statues are made the decision of the two-third majority of the members who attend the assembly providing advertising in the journal of the Assembly in advance. The alterations made to the regulatory statue of the Society shall be notified to the civil authorities under the frame of procedures designated by law and legislation within the 30 (thirty) days from the Assembly where the alteration to the regulatory statue is made.
Article 22. The TERMİNATİON AND Discharge of the Society
While the termination of the Society may be requested by the Board of Directors and the Audit Commission, it may be demanded by the one-fifth of the Society members in written. In case of such demand, the associations shall apply the related Article of law and legislations. In accordance with this case, the Extraordinary Meeting may agree to terminate the Association. It’s stipulated that at least the two-third of the members who have the right to attend the General Assembly according to the regulatory statue to attend the assembly in order to determine the termination. The decisions about the termination are taken by the two-third majority of the attendance members. In case of the decision of termination, the General Assembly elects a Discharge Commission of three people and the termination of the Society is notified to the Governorship by the Board of Directors in 5 days in written. the statue of where the asset, money and entity of the Society to be given to in discharge is determined by the General Assembly. The related legislation clauses are applied for the procedure and bases of discharge.
Article 23. Who will benefit from the institution and activities of the Society and how?
The decree of the Board of Directors is required for whom demands to benefit from the institutions and activities of the Society out of the members.
Article 24. In cases which are not mentioned in this regulatory statue, the adjudication of the related laws, the Laws of Associations and the related legislations are applied.
Enis IGCI The Chairman
Suha Sureyya OZBEK The Secretary
Mustafa SECIL The Accountant
Deniz AKATA The Member
Adnan KABAALIOGLU The Member
Mustafa Nasuh OZMEN The Member
Ismail MIHMANLI The Member